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Abstract Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to find the galactic center of the Milky Way Galaxy using globular clusters. Procedure List all known gl ...

AAA, AA, C, D batteries all are rated at 1.5 volts but besides the difference in physical size theamount of electric current they produce is also different. In this project the four battery types will ...

French painter Georges Seurat was influenced by the science of color and perception, pioneering the painting technique known as pointillism. By using single points instead of long brush strokes pointi ...

The purpose of this science project was to find the correlation between barometric pressure and wind velocity. I did this by recording the wind velocity in rotations per minute by using an anemometer. ...

The project compares the ability of selected to block UV-A radiation. The goal is to have the student formulate, test and revise a hypothesis about the ability of optically transparent to block UV-A ...

If you’ve ever watched a football game, you may have wondered: When two players collide at the same speed, why is it possible for one player to knock the other player back? The reason has to do with t ...

There are two main types of decorative balloons: Mylar® (a shiny, foil-like plastic made of polyester) or latex (a flexible material made from liquid rubber). Which one lasts longer? Why?It is an educ ...

This science project demonstrates how a rainbow forms, using water to split white light into its many colors.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, yo ...

Galileo Galilei was a physicist, astronomer, mathematician, creative thinking mastermind who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries in Italy. He was the inventor of the telescope, and one of the first p ...

Determine whether different brands of athletic shoes really make you faster.The purpose of this experiment is to evaluate different brands of running shoes in order to find out whether any of them aff ...