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Este vídeo apresenta o conteúdo de ângulos formados pelos ponteiros de um relógio.

Essa é uma aula completa de Geometria Plana. Entre os assuntos abordados podemos destacar, ângulos complementares, ângulos suplementares, soma dos ângulos internos e soma dos ângulos externos de um po ...

Nesta aula é apresentada uma atividade investigativa composta por situações-problemas em que os alunos deverão utilizar o relógio de ponteiros como recurso para compreensão do conceito de ângulo, bem ...

Jogo para praticar a identificação e o cálculo de ângulos. Reconhecer a congruência dos ângulos e a proporcionalidade entre os lados correspondentes.

To learn to identify the different types of angles and basic operations (addition, subtraction and bisector of an angle) you can do between them.

Definition of an angle and noteworthy angles is a didac ...

You'll learn how to measure an angle. For that purpose, you will be given some examples.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master this subject.

Measu ...

You'll learn the basic definitions of general polyhedrons and how to classify the different figures in space.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to mast ...

You'll learn to determine angles and distances between the different elements of space (points, lines and planes).

Angle between two planes and between a straight line and a plane is a didactic con ...

You'll learn to solve certain trigonometric equations.

At the end ot the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master this subject.

Solving trigonometric equations es un ...

You'll learn to solve a triangle, that is to say, you'll get to find out all sides and angles of a triangle.

At the end ot the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to ...