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Magnetic fields are invisible. You can’t see them, but you can see what they do, like attract a paper clip or push another magnet away. But wouldn’t it be cool if we could find out how to show the dir ...

Get your motors ready—we’re heading out on the magnetic racetrack. Learn how to measure the strength of a magnet with a ruler, some graph paper, and a toy car in this cool magnet science fair project. ...

Discover which of four types of magnet is the strongest.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to d ...

The interactions between current, the flow of electrons, and magnets can be used to do useful work, like power motors, and will continue to be important in the future because they can be used for thin ...

This science project demonstrates how you can make your own compass using a magnetized needle. It also allows you to compare magnetic north and geographic north.It is an educational content by educati ...

Magnets are everywhere in our everyday lives! Hard drives that store data in your computer are coated with a magnetic material, the speakers in your headphones are powered by magnets, and your refrige ...

It is 1834, and you have just heard of this marvelous new phenomenon called eddy currents. Some fellow named Lenz discovered them, and you’re curious if you can find out something special about them y ...

Michael Faraday was a 19th century English scientist who is credited with many great discoveries in the realm of physics and chemistry, specifically on the relationship between current and magnets, an ...

A lot of things can act like magnets—they just need an electric charge. If we give a comb an electric charge, can it separate pepper from salt? Let’s find out!Can a comb separate salt and pepper?It is ...

You are lost in the wilderness. You know there is a highway several miles north of you, but you don’t know which direction north is. Luckily, you have a magnet with you! How can you find your way usin ...