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Origami is an ancient Japanese art form that’s wildly popular among the arts & crafts crowd.But most of us don’t realize that techniques used in standard origami folding have aided the design and deve ...

This project explores ways to measure the heights of objects located out of reach. Project Goals: To illustrate the different ways in which extreme height can be measured. To develop new and improved ...

The final shot in the pool game is yours, but the cue and the eight ball aren’t nicely lined up with any of the pockets. Looking around, the closest pocket is 45 degrees off the line between the two b ...

Sometimes, physics can be used to create beautiful art. Kinetic art is art that relies on motion to achieve a specific effect. Often that motion is just an application of simple laws of physics. Waves ...

Iterated algorithms are very important for mathematics today. By repeating equations, scientists are finding brand new things out about the natural world (populations, epidemics, etc.). Iterated algor ...

Motion parallax” is easily demonstrable by closing one eye, staring at a pencil, and then opening the closed eye and closing the other. The pencil appears to move because the eyes have different locat ...

Sunspots are disturbed areas of the sun that look like spots because they are cooler than the surface of the sun. They have been observed and recorded since the 18th Century. This large collection of ...

Probability expresses the likelihood or odds of something to happen. If the weather forecasts 20% chances of rain odds are that it will not rain. Another example of probability are raffles. You put yo ...

Throwing a ball to a friend or shooting a cannon are both examples of projectile motion. Gravity is a force that acts upon objects, drawing them towards the center of the Earth at 9.81 m/s2. Horizonta ...

Benford's Law, also called the first-digit law, describes how in lists of numbers from many everyday sources of data, the leading digit is distributed in a specific, predictable way. This experiment w ...