Toda la comunidad

11 - 20

Unlocking scientific literacy: Explore the food chain, animal care, and biodiversity research. This unit, aligned with common core standards, fosters scientific literacy by delving into diverse scient ...

Empower students with healthy eating: Explore food groups, cultural diversity and hygiene. Enhance understanding of nutrition, cultural foods, and hygiene practices for a balanced lifestyle. Engage in ...

Engage students in understanding the wonders of weather and climate with interactive lessons. Explore meteorological phenomena, temperature measurement, and seasonal changes. Foster curiosity and crit ...

Explore natural and cultural landscapes: Enhance understanding of diverse environments, promote conservation awareness, and foster respect for social and cultural differences. This unit equips student ...

Empower students: Learn about water conservation and pollution through engaging activities. Foster environmental consciousness and responsible habits for a sustainable future. Discover the vital role ...

Explore the vital role of air and wind in our environment through engaging science activities. Understand air composition, differentiate between air and wind, and identify sources of air pollution. En ...

Développer des attitudes et des comportements favorable à la protection de la nature.

Approfondir les connaissances sur les habitudes durables dans la vie quotidienne.

Approfondir le ...

Reconnaître la différence entre l'air et le vent.

Connaître les éléments qui composent l'air Identifier les activités humaines qui contaminent l' ...

Reconnaître l'importance de l'eau pour la vie sur Terre.

Savoir identifier les états physiques de l'eau et connaître les changements pour passer de l'un à ...

Reconnaître les hémisphères nord et sud.

Développer une perception sur les phénomènes climatologiques et entraîner les enfants à donner des exp ...