Toda la comunidad

11 - 20

The purpose of this project was to determine the best algorithm for strategy games.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to th ...

The latest internet technology involves the matching image search. An uploaded image is matched with similar images on the net, resulting in a list of similar images. It's like a Google search, only w ...

The Internet offers a wealth of information that would have taken days, weeks, and even months to access by conventional means. However, this accessibility comes with a price. With all the social netw ...

Building a website is not so hard, which is why there are so many million websites on the net. Building a quality website is another story. In this project you will design and build a science website ...

The purpose of this project was to create a 3D Rubik’s Cube simulator in C++ and OpenGL. The program should be able to scramble the cube and allow the user to place a valid position and have the compu ...

In this experiment, we will discover whether leaving a computer on 24/7 will lead to more frequent crashes, freezes, and an overall slower processing speed. We will be experimenting with 2 brand new, ...

People say all the time that building a computer is easy to do. Just a few simple parts that fit together, they say. Despite this, few people actually know how to build one. In this project you will d ...

Smartphone applications are so popular that Apple currently sells more than 300,000 apps from its online app store. An app can be an interactive game, a navigational device, a business software packag ...

Benford's Law, also called the first-digit law, describes how in lists of numbers from many everyday sources of data, the leading digit is distributed in a specific, predictable way. This experiment w ...

Parents often wish their kids would not spend so much time playing video games. How cool would it be if a video game taught the basics of a trade or profession, without sacrificing the fun factor? Thi ...