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Cissa's black cat and, A little yellow shoe is a juvenile fiction written by Annie Keary.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collabora ...

Rhyming verses ask readers to find hidden objects in the photographs.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the Un ...

It is a story about a beautiful doll named Twinklinka and her journey from a toy shop to finding a loving owner.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL ...

Tells the story of a boy named Ino C., who was discontented.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the University of M ...

Old farm gate is a collection of illustrated stories written in prose and verse.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with ...

Nonsense for girls is an illustrated story in verse for the wee ones.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the Univer ...

New physical geography for grammar and high schools, and colleges is a book written by James. Monteith.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundatio ...

Contenido educativo para Educación Secundaria con el que se trabajan los phrasal verbs a través de un cómic donde el protagonista es Black duck.

Es un contenido publicado en el por ...

Pedro Pablo Sacristan nos ofrece una colección de cuentos cortos para los más pequeños. "Tener poco tiempo ya no puede ser excusa para no contar un cuento a tus niños ...