Toda la comunidad

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Tumbling is a technique used for smoothing and polishing a rough surface on small particles. Professional rock polishers help jewelers polish stones by imitating the abrasion of rocks in nature. The n ...

Many products on the market are supposed to enhance the growth of plants. Naturally, each of them claims to be the best. This project might provide the additional insight needed to make wise choices r ...

The objective of this project is to compare the effectiveness of environmentally friendly cleaning products to commercial cleaning products using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The goal is to ...

The goal of this experiment is to discover if soil with more organic material absorbs moisture better than soil with less organic material. Gardens that use the right amount of organic material might ...

When you walk outside on a humid summer day, you can practically feel the moisture hanging in the air. But how can you measure humidity? Believe it or not, you can make your own instrument, called a p ...

In this “paper and pen” experiment, students will research the difference between standard time and astronomical mean time. Using the longitude of their city, they will calculate the astronomical mean ...

The composting project is designed to teach students how food scraps can be composted. It also teaches students how to put their composted to good use.It is an educational content by ...

The goal of this experiment is to explore how building on different types of soil affects the relative stability of buildings in an earthquake. Students will build a shake table upon which a basin hol ...

Does your soil look fried? Give your crispy soil a wet blanket of mulch and see if that helps keep drought-stricken soil damp.Can mulch help keep the soil moist during a drought?It is an educational c ...

The goal of this experiment is to learn about (1) the behavior of water and gravel in creek beds and (2) the formation of sedimentary rocks.It is an educational content by clicking on ...