Toda la comunidad

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Bottled water has become popular as seen in the wide selections of brands available in stores and bottled water vending machines. Some bottled waters claim to promote health, are "expertly designed", ...

The objective of this project is to explore what happens to the ocean and ocean life in an oil spill.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will b ...

Composting is the process that turns vegetable scraps and other organic into lovely soil. Carbon and nitrogen are essential ingredients in your compost. Carbon-rich are called brown , and nitrogen-r ...

When it’s raining hard, those raindrops look like they’re bouncing up and down on the sidewalk. What are they really doing, and how does the size and height each drop make it splash in different ways? ...

Volcanoes are very interesting. I wanted to find out what happens inside a volcano. I have read about it and also seen some videos. I made a model of volcano to see how a chemical reaction makes a mag ...

Tumbling is a technique used for smoothing and polishing a rough surface on small particles. Professional rock polishers help jewelers polish stones by imitating the abrasion of rocks in nature. The n ...

Moisture is tricky. It likes to escape out of tiny holes in a process called evaporation. Plastic wrap is supposed to keep food fresh in the fridge. If you have fruit you would like to save, you proba ...

Many products on the market are supposed to enhance the growth of plants. Naturally, each of them claims to be the best. This project might provide the additional insight needed to make wise choices r ...

The objective of this project is to compare the effectiveness of environmentally friendly cleaning products to commercial cleaning products using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The goal is to ...

The goal of this experiment is to discover if soil with more organic material absorbs moisture better than soil with less organic material. Gardens that use the right amount of organic material might ...