Toda la comunidad

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Magnets are sometimes used as therapeutics to help ease the pain of arthritis or injury, but it is not clear if they provide any benefit for users. Some scientific studies indicate that magnets may he ...

The student counts and identifies species of fungi to compare the biodiversity of fungi in different ecosystems. What role do fungi have in an ecosystem? Why are fungi important in an ecosystem? Does ...

Determine which colors are more difficult to read at a distance. Understand how eyesight works in regard to color.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resourc ...

Student will compare the tree leaf size and shape based on the leaf’s position in the tree.Why does transpiration occur? Why can too much light and heat cause a for trees with excess transpiration? H ...

Daphnia, otherwise known as water fleas, have a circulatory system similar to mammals. Most importantly, they have a chambered heart, which can be seen beating under a microscope. With a stopwatch and ...

Discover a person’s eye-color genotype.The purpose of this project is to discover eye-color genotypes that could be present in a given population. This study will take into account dominant and recess ...

We will test whether it is true that humans are taller right after they wake up in the morning than later during the day/night.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

Understanding Biodiversity presents an overview of biodiversity, its importance and relevance to humans, all living things, and the Earth. It includes species pages and a template to engage and involv ...

Infografía que explica el estudio de la evolución biológica a lo largo del tiempo, mediante teorías evolutivas, descubrimientos, personajes y áreas de estudio. Proye ...

Notable colección de dibujos (más de 7100) pertenecientes a la Real Expedición Botánica al Nuevo Reino de Granada (1783-1817) que fue liderada por el gaditano José C ...