Toda la comunidad

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When you hear the term “chemical reaction”, you might think of scientists in white lab coats mixing dark powders to create explosions. Maybe you think of the flurry of bubbles you saw when you mixed b ...

Air pressure is the amount of air being forced against a surface. It's the reason why planes, birds and insects fly. It's the reason why balloons and bubbles float. In this project we find surprising ...

Students will learn about circadian rhythms. Library research will show many biological activities that occur on a 24 hour clock. Experimental research will show the circadian rhythms of exercise in s ...

Determine if dried beans from the grocery store can be grown.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether the process used to dry the beans we eat for food renders them unviable. This experim ...

This project determines visual, olfactory, and taste differences between organic and non-organic foods, based on subjective observation.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

Have you ever refilled the ice cube tray in your freezer after using the last ice cube in your cup of juice? You probably automatically poured cold water in the ice cube tray without asking the questi ...

This projects aims to observe products available in the school cafeteria and waste produced by these products, and to explore options for reducing the total waste produced by the school cafeteria.It i ...

Explore how length affects the weight a bridge can hold.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to d ...

See if the length of a rod or string affects how fast or slow an attached object swings. We will also see if if the weight/mass of the object has an affect on speed when the length is kept constant.It ...

Optics is a branch of physics that explores light and its behaviors and interactions with objects. Lenses, which are made of transparent (usually glass), are curved objects that are used for focusing ...