Toda la comunidad

31 - 40

Descrição: o projeto é uma parceria entre a Fundação Lemann e o Google, para a criação de uma página exclusiva do YouTube, na qual professores, ...

Luna é uma garota apaixonada por ciência que enxerga o planeta Terra como um grande laboratório. A cada episódio, a pequena cientista explica fenômenos da natureza.

Pourquoi ce blog? Il répond à une réalité qui se vérifie quotidiennement: l’utilisation d’internet se répand dans les écoles, dans les clas ...

Quelle Histoire est un éditeur de livres et de contenus ludo-éducatifs pour faire découvrir l'Histoire aux enfants.

La chaine officielle de toutes les séries "Il était une fois..." Suivez le célèbre Maestro couvert de sa longue barbe blanche qui vous présentera La Vie, L ...

English Teaching 101 is a blog for ESL (English as a second language) for teachers and parents. You may find esl games and ideas, EdTech recommendation and various teaching styles and philosophy.

You m ...

SciShow Kids explores all those curious topics that make us ask "why?" Whether conducting experiments, researching new questions, or talking with experts, there's always something new to ...

This blog is an attempt to bring a little of England closer to foreign students and teachers of English with anecdotes, quotes from famous English-speaking people, stories, plays, games, videos and ex ...

This experience talks about the introduction in the nursery and primary classroom of robotics, audiovisual creation, service learning and collaborative work to carry out motivating and meaningful acti ...

Enseña a tus alumnos a consumir de forma responsable a través de las tres erres: reducir, reutilizar y reciclar.

Plantea esta cuestión después de ver el vídeo: &iques ...