Toda la comunidad

31 - 40

Determine if the temperature of rubber effects how high it bounces. The purpose of this experiment is to see whether rubber balls will bounce differently when heated or cooled versus at room temperatu ...

The goals of this experiment involve analyzing different aspects of projectile motions. In a first set of experiments, you evaluate how the mass of an arrow affects the distance an arrow travels. In a ...

Build your own wind tunnel to test different models of airplanesIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you w ...

The goal of this experiment is to learn about radio waves. As they learn about the multiple sources of these waves and how difficult it is to block them, students will gain an appreciation of the pro ...

Create a visual model of what happens to sound waves as a car passes by.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. ...

Discover whether there are some objects that do not fall at a constant rate.The purpose of this experiment is to test various objects to determine whether they fall at the same rate.It is an education ...

It is a very simple experiment to find out which brand of batteries have the longest life. Also we will discover whether rechargeable batteries provide devices with a longer continuous uptime than reg ...

Lors de cette séquence, le professeur propose aux élèves de découvrir les sons qui les entourent d’abord par une écoute silencieuse puis en les mettant au d&ea ...

Toutes les étapes de cette séquence sont indépendantes. En s’appuyant sur l’une des chansons de l’opéra pour enfants Les mille tours d’Edison, il s& ...

Le besoin de se repérer sur Terre remonte à l'antiquité et reste très prégnant dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. L'histoire et les techniques qui s'y rattachent sont pour l'enfant une source inépuisable d' ...