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Horse: large hoofed and maned domestic animal of the ungulate family. Raised by humans for pulling loads and for transportation. See more

Horse - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All ri ...

Skeleton of a horse: large hoofed and maned domestic animal of the ungulate family. Raised by humans for pulling loads and for transportation. See more

Skeleton of a horse - Visual Dictionary - Copyrig ...

Structure of a horse hoof: horny nail covering the toe of ungulates, which rests on a sole and on which the animal walks. See more

Structure of a horse hoof - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005- ...

Deer antlers: large ruminant mammal of the ruminant family, which lives in herds. See more

Deer antlers - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Gorilla: fruit-eating anthropoid ape. The largest and strongest of all apes. See more

Gorilla - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Internal anatomy of a monkey: primate mammal that lives in trees. It has a hairless face, hands and a developed brain. See more

Internal anatomy of a monkey - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005- ...

Skeleton of a gorilla: fruit-eating anthropoid ape. The largest and strongest of all apes. See more

Skeleton of a gorilla - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Séquence d'observation sur les premières étapes visibles de la germination. Les élèves, à la suite d'un travail sur les facteurs qui influencent la germination, vont formuler plusieurs problèmes sur l ...

Cette séquence propose d’aborder l’éducation à la sexualité avec les élèves en utilisant la médiation d’espèces vivantes animales autres que l’espèce humaine.

A l'école de la biodiversité est un projet pour le cycle 3 destiné à sensibiliser les enseignants, enfants et parents aux enjeux du XXIe siècle liés &agra ...