Toda la comunidad

101 - 110

We are surrounded by textiles everyday,from the clothes we wear to the sheets that keep us warm at night to the umbrellas we use when it rains. Though there are many kinds of fabrics, their most suita ...

The goal of this project is to disprove the theory that decaying fruit gives birth to living organisms like insects.Instead, the project demonstrates that the rotting food attracts insects that lay eg ...

This science project will demonstrate how starches are converted to sugar during mastication and salivation.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

In this experiment, students will discover whether cooking food destroys potential vitamin levels. In this case, we will be focusing on vitamin C in citrus fruits. Students can, however, extend the ex ...

Anyone who has tried to make a soft-boiled egg knows how difficult it is to perfect. Cooking time, temperature, and cooking methods all play a factor. Experimenting with soft-boiled eggs shows how hea ...

During the process of learning how different types of smoke detectors work, students will learn about ions, every day applications of radiations and how particulate matter in the air can disrupt sensi ...

Les élèves découvrent la miscibilité ou non de certains liquides et abordent la notion de masse volumique des liquides.

« Comment l'eau se transforme-t-elle en glace ? » A l'aide d'un mélange réfrigérant, les élèves étudient la température et la durée nécessaire à la solidification de l'eau. Ils représentent ensuite l ...

Les notions de mélanges et solutions, de transformation de la matière, les perceptions dues aux sens, en particulier celui du goût, sont abordées en classe, dans le cadre d'un décloisonnement particul ...

L'eau possède des propriétés étonnantes. Ainsi, elle « prend plus de place » (elle se dilate) lorsqu’elle gèle, contrairement à presque tous les autres liquides. Ceci explique que des conduites d’eau ...