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Vídeo aula da plataforma Khan Academy. Aula apresenta por meio de animações simples e descrição expositiva sobre os coeficientes de atrito estático e cinético. Recomendado como aprofundamento teórico ...

Aula apresenta noções de como os néfrons dos rins filtram o sangue e reabsorvem água e outras moléculas.

Aula fala sobre a hemoglobina e o seu papel no sistema circulatório.

At the end of the Mythic Period of China's history, the Xia dynasty gave way to the Shang Dynasty… if the Xia really existed at all! Sal gives an overview of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynast ...

Thomas Malthus's views on population. Malthusian limits.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.

The Sixth Coalition forces Napoleon into exile on Elba.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.

Napoleon's disastrous invasion of Russia.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.

French forces get embroiled in the Iberian Peninsula.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.