Toda a comunidade


Participating in my community

Boost social skills with our unit on community participation! Learn about community dynamics, culture, and history through engaging activities like drawing social maps and creating timelines. Perfect for ages 8-12, with hands-on projects for real-world learning. Explore UNESCO competences and 21st-century skills while fostering critical thinking and communication!






This resource contains:

WOT.U11.01. Participating in my community. Introduction
WOT.U11.02. Participating in my community. I am part of my community
WOT.U11.03. Participating in my community. The environment I live in
WOT.U11.04. Participating in my community. The community's history
WOT.U11.05. Participating in my community. Culture
WOT.U11.06. Participating in my community. Which situations in your environment affect you?
WOT.U11.07. Participating in my community. Approaching other communities
WOT.U11.08. Participating in my community. Summary
WOT.U11.09. Participating in my community. Assessment

Participating in my community

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