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Me and Myself in a Group

Empower students' self-awareness & values with our curriculum on 'Discovering My Identity.' Focused on elementary education, it cultivates respect, empathy & self-esteem through engaging activities. Foster a positive classroom environment & lifelong values!








This resource contains:

WOT.U01.01. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. Introduction
WOT.U01.02. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. Personal Identity: Your Name
WOT.U01.03. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. Physical Characteristics
WOT.U01.04. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. The Story of "The Ugly Duckling"
WOT.U01.05. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. Qualities and Skills
WOT.U01.06. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. Feelings and Emotions
WOT.U01.07. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. Assessment
WOT.U01.08. What Am I Like? Discovering My Identity. Summary

Me and Myself in a Group

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