Toda a comunidade


Communication and problem solving

Enhance communication and problem-solving skills with our unit! Explore various forms of communication, including verbal and non-verbal, while learning to handle conflicts constructively. Develop assertive communication and problem-solving strategies essential for everyday life. Suitable for ages 8-12, with interactive activities for practical learning!







This resource contains:

WOT.U07.01. Communication and solve problems. Introduction
WOT.U07.02. Communication and solve problems. History of communication
WOT.U07.03. Communication and solve problems. Communication and its elements
WOT.U07.04. Communication and solve problems. Inclusive communication
WOT.U07.05. Communication and solve problems. Conflicts in daily life
WOT.U07.06. Communication and solve problems. Strategies for solving conflicts
WOT.U07.07. Communication and solve problems. Flexibility as a value to reach agreements
WOT.U07.08. Communication and solve problems. Conflicts and conflict solving in teamwork
WOT.U07.09. Communication and solve problems. Summary 
WOT.U07.10. Communication and solve problems. Assessment

Communication and solve problems

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