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This resource, created by Javier Ramos Sancha, will help the students to learn about the cells, the organization of the living things and how the different systems of the body work through a project b ...

Apresenta os principais conceitos relacionados ao sistema nervoso tais como sistema nervoso periférico, sistema endócrino, órgãos dos sentidos, comparação do sistema nervoso entre os animais. Integra ...

Sistema nervioso: Conjunto de los nervios, ganglios y centros nerviosos que reciben los mensajes sensoriales. Dirige y coordinar las funciones vitales. Ver más

Sistema nervioso - El Diccionario Visual ...

Système nerveux: Ensemble des nerfs, ganglions et centres nerveux recevant les messages sensoriels. Commande et coordonne les fonctions vitales. Voir plus

Système nerveux - Dictionnaire Visuel - ...

Nervous system: set of nerves, ganglions and nervous centers that receive sensory signal. Commands and coordinates vital functions. See more

Nervous system - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2 ...

Descrever a anatomia do aparelho locomotor.

Identificar as mudanças que ocorrem nas diferentes etapas da vida.

Indicar o nome das partes que compõem o aparelho locomotor.

Avaliar a ...

Dive into the fascinating world of the nervous system! Explore its parts, functions, and connections with the body's senses and endocrine system. Discover the difference between reflex and volunta ...

Dive into the fascinating world of the musculoskeletal system with this comprehensive learning unit! Explore the anatomy of bones, joints, and muscles, and discover how they change throughout life. Un ...

Identifier des structures du système nerveux et décrire certaines de ses fonctions.

Expliquer le processus de perception et son importance pour la survie.

Différencier les mou ...

Décrire l'anatomie de l'appareil locomoteur.

Identifier les changements qui se produisent lors des différentes étapes de la vie.

Nommer les parties qui composent l' ...