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Visualize the gravitational force that two objects exert on each other. Discover the factors that affect gravitational attraction, and determine how adjusting these factors will change the gravitation ...

No one knows for sure if intelligent extraterrestrial life exists or ever existed. But many believe intelligent beings live elsewhere, despite a complete lack of compelling physical evidence. Why do s ...

Have you ever wondered why all the planets are round, and how they got that way? Knowing how objects react in space is very important to astronomers as they discover new parts of the universe. If ther ...

The objective of this project is to observe and record changes in sunspots on an image of the sun over several days.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resou ...

How can the moon glow if it doesn’t make its own light? In this experiment, you’ll watch light bounce by making a simple photometer.Why does the moon glow?It is an educational content by ...

The goal of this project is to physically represent the phases of the moon.Most people can recognize and name the moon’s different phases, but few can explain them.When astronomers speak of the phases ...

What causes the seasons to change? The first answer many people give when asked why the Earth gets cold in the winter and warm in the summer is because the Earth’s distance from the sun can vary durin ...

You may have learned that the Moon goes around the Earth and the Earth goes around the Sun. But that’s not quite right. Strictly speaking, the Moon and Earth orbit each other.The barycenter is the poi ...

Sunspots are disturbed areas of the sun that look like spots because they are cooler than the surface of the sun. They have been observed and recorded since the 18th Century. This large collection of ...

That big, glowing ball of light in the sky is pretty amazing. The sun powers life on earth, and it helps us see and helps plants make their food. Sometimes, the paths of the moon and the sun cross and ...