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Notable people. Interactive mapWho is the most famous or emblematic person in any city or country? Find out with this interactive map

This is a project created by Topi Tjukanov, a geographer working for the company Mapbox, who managed to compile data on the popularity of different notable personalities in order to locate and classify them on the Notable People map. For this, the site takes into account the sections of culture, discovery and science, leadership and sports games.

To arrive at this, Tjukanov used as a database an article on who are the most famous people in each city or country in the world, published by the prestigious journal Nature.

In fact, the article comments on the points on which they based themselves to classify the individuals they consider the most famous in each city or country in the world. Basically, everything comes through Wikipedia and these are some of the factors on which they have based themselves:

- Average number of visits to each person's profile between 2015 and 2018.
- Number of edits made to the person's Wikipedia profile.
- Number of external links such as sources, references, among other things.
- Number of items available and a full biography of the individual.

Now, making it clear that there is a good base of information behind the results offered in Notable People, it only remains to say that as soon as you enter their website you will come across a movable map that will display the names of the most important people in large format. Logically, the closer you zoom in on a specific country or city, the more names will start to appear.


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Auteur topi tjukanov

Catégories 16-18 años, 14-16 años, Historia, Geografía, Ciencias Naturales, 12-14 años, 10-12 años, Educación física, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add

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Date de publication 22 / 08 / 2022

Licence La licence originale de la ressource est respectée.



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