Toute la communauté

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Cartilha produzida pela Associação de Estudos e Apoio Autismo & Realidade com o objetivo de superar as barreiras do autismo e voltar o olhar para as milhares de crianças que estão precisando de atençã ...

Programação em blocos (arrastando blocos com mouse) para facilitar a criação de programas.

Conheça a Historia de Jarbas, a tartaruga. Este material foi desenvolvido pela rede de colaboradores ao Programa do Estado do Paraná para Espécies Exóticas Invasoras em 2016 com o objetivo de prover u ...

Ffind out how much force is needed to move a lever at different distances from the fulcrum. The purpose of this experiment is to learn whether the amount of force needed to lift an object on one end ...

You’ve finished putting on your makeup, but you look in the mirror and realize that something’s not quite right. If you’ve ever worn makeup or dressed up in face paint for Halloween, you’ll know that ...

Find out how the depth of a boat in the water affects its momentum.The purpose of this experiment is to see whether the depth of a boat in the water changes how fast it moves and how straight it sails ...

Learn about why nitrogen fixing bacteria are important to plant growth.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. I ...

The objective of this project is to determine whether colors such as black, brown, orange and purple are pure colors or mixtures of other colors by using paper chromatography.It is an educational cont ...

If you leave of cup of water on a sunny table outside, the water disappears in a couple days. Where does it go? When water “disappears,” how does it get back to us? Learn how to make a water cycle mod ...