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Limestone is composed of tiny shells that fell to the ocean’s floor when sea creatures died. The pressure from other shells, the water and sand washing over them squashes the tiny shells together into ...

What’s inside the earth? Create a craft or bake a cake that will help you dig deep into the mysteries of the earth’s interior.First, it’s time for a short geology lesson. The earth has four layers. Th ...

There are three basic types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Sedimentary rocks are distinguished by their layered formation on the earth's surface. Igneous rocks are formed by the cool ...

Your feet may already know what specific heat is: Your toes felt nice and cool in the ocean on a summer day. Then, you decided to walk barefoot to the ice cream stand. The sand was much warmer than th ...

Crystals like to form on a substrate, or base surface of some kind; the texture, composition, and surface area of the substrate influences the formation of the crystals. Use four different household o ...

Ocean waves erode the coastline. The sand they remove is shifted to another location. This paradoxical effect can strip beaches in one location and create them in another. We'll observe this effect by ...

Rocks are ever changing.They can be smoothed by water, broken off by wind, and cracked by ice.If you found a rock in your backyard then traveled back in time 1,000 years, that rock would look totally ...

Have you ever picked up a pretty rock and wondered if it contained precious gems? Have you ever thought that your sharp eyes could make you a millionaire? How can you tell for sure that you found a go ...

The soil composition in people’s backyards containsminute particles of magnetic material called rare-earth metals.Larger quantities of rare-earth metals lie in deep underground.The particles belong to ...

Did you even wonder why some rocks are round and smooth while others are broken up into small pieces? Maybe you've even discovered a rock in your backyard that's made up of several layers. If so, you' ...