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Plano de aula de Matemática com atividades para 9º ano do Fundamental sobre Calcular os valores aproximados de raízes não exatas.

Plano de aula de Matemática com atividades para 9º ano do Fundamental sobre Aplicar o conceito de soma e subtração com radicais em problemas envolvendo lados e áreas de quadrados.

To learn to calculate areas and perimeters of the rhomboid.

The rhomboid is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teaching materials for Mathematics in Spanish, Catalan and Engl ...

To learn a calculating areas and volumes of three dimensions geometric bodies: tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, cube, etc.

The prism: Surface area and volume is a didactic content from Sangakoo. I ...

You'll learn the basics about the perimeter and area of a triangle.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master this subject.

Perimeter and area of a tr ...

You'll learn the Heron's formula for the area of a triangle.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master this subject.

Heron's formula for the a ...

To learn to calculate the gradient of a scalar field, the rotational and divergence of a vector field and its properties.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises ...

You'll learn to calculate areas determined by surfaces in space or regions in the plane and an application of Green's theorem to the calculation of areas delimited by a curve in the plane.

At t ...