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Sustainability and sustainable development seem to be the new buzz terms used to discuss solving environmental issues. However, creating a sustainable world is actually a complex idea that involves mu ...

Discover whether plants grow best in chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer, or with no fertilizer at all.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Acid rain is becoming more and more of a for our world. Outside of industrial pollutants, like nitrogenous and sulfuric oxides, even excess carbon dioxide can affect the pH of rainwater. One question ...

Determine whether plants grow better in soil or in fish ponds. The purpose of this experiment is to grow lettuce plants in two different conditions to determine whether plants grow more rapidly in so ...

This project examines the effects of seed storage on plant growth. The goals of this project are: To determine how seed storage conditions affect plant growth. To encourage improvements of current ag ...