Toda la comunidad

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En Papelísimo puedes hacer de todo con el papel: manualidades, origami, reciclaje… Los niños pueden encontrar tutoriales, paso a paso, con los que hacer adornos, marionetas, marca ...

El tesoro de Verónyk es un blog que surge a raíz de la propuesta de una compañera docente, que invita a la creación del mismo tras ver la necesidad de compartir entre docen ...

Explorando... Somos digitais! é composto por 6 estações de Realidade Aumentada que permitem trabalhar diversos conteúdos relacionados com alguns Objetivos de Desenvolviment ...

En Mamá&nené encontramos esta propuesta de collage navideño. Para hacer la manualidad (árbol de Navidad) necesitarás:

Silueta de árbol de Navidad en formato A4. (Karina deja aquí la que hizo)

Papel de ...

Mediante el modelo del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos se ha realizado, en este centro ubicado en la Comunidad Valenciana (España), una actividad relativa al cuerpo humano: característic ...

Whew! It’s hot out here. The plants are wilting in the summer’s heat. Can adding shade help your plants stay happy?Can a bit of shade help stop your outdoor plants from wilting?It is an educational co ...

How did dinosaurs leave their footprints behind so many years ago? Stomp, clomp, and squish your way to learn how to makefossils and create your very own fossil imprints!How did dinosaur footprints ge ...

Plants that live outside are often watered by the rain, but indoor plants are usually given tap water. Water, along with soil and light, is one of the three essential elements needed to help plants gr ...

For young children to observe, record, and create collections of shapes in their world and increase their powers of observation.It is an educational content by clicking on the title o ...

This project makes young children uniquely aware of their sense of touch and its ability to alone give them information about their environment. (This makes a nice “touch” component in a larger projec ...